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Vapor Trails: Bryan Fox and Callum Pettit

Vapor Trails: Bryan Fox and Callum Pettit

Splitboards, Hot Springs and Tents with Bryan Fox and Callum Pettit

Last winter, Bryan Fox and Callum Pettit geared up and headed into the British Columbia backcountry to camp out and explore some new terrain. As Fox said, “the goals of this trip were simple: to find hot springs and ride snowboards downhill.” Sounded like a good plan to us.

We got together with Monster Children to create a short film to share their off-the-grid adventure. Callum knew of a spot with an A-grade hot spring at the foot of some surfy terrain. So they loaded up the sleds, set up camp and spent a few days soaking in water and shredding snowboards.

The crew getting their sleds loaded

Bryan Fox navigates a snowmobile and trailer-sled along newly forged snowy mountain trail

Bryan Fox sets up camp

A mountainside of untouched snow with a forrest of charred pines along the horizon

Callum Petit enjoys a hot spring soak

Callum Petit carves powder

Callum and Bryan enjoying another hot spring soak

Bryan and Callum cross-country skiing